I've been here for a while now. Not as long as some, but I have seen many members come and go. I've felt useless the entire time. I wish to finally make somewhat of a difference in my life, whether that is small or big. I will work to become more active, clean up our servers of rule breakers, and help new moderators, and old admins keep up with our continuously changing policies. Starting next week (It would've been earlier, but my phone broke) I will increase my activity on the server heavily. This is one of the only places I have ever felt welcome, if not the only. As majority of you saw, I had a slight mental breakdown, and I realized then, I am at least somewhat wanted here. I've met new friends here, and picked up a slight "enemy" or two. I'd be very honored to take up the position of manager, and I have planned to go several times now, backing out each time, whether that is due to generally being afraid of getting destroyed, or just not feeling like it'd be worth the effort. But hey, you only live once. Darkstorm is essentially like a home for me, a home I want to protect from those who wish to destroy it or bring it down. Vote whatever you think is best. (Hopefully yes. No? Okay...) I'd prefer for there to not be sabotage attempts, like my moderator application. (Idk why I had to point that out, I just did.) I'm here to make Darkstorm good again. Thank you for reading, and good luck to any and all other going for manager. (I had to make that joke, sorry)
***NOTE*** Yes, I added a bit more meat to this, and I may add a bit more tomorrow.
Fixed Post so it has poll
I Am Neutral.
Quote from: Sparky™ on February 28, 2016, 12:44:50 AM
I Am Neutral.
Understood. Thanks for not just voting no xD
Just so you know, these polls mean nothing. The voting happens elsewhere at a different date.
Goooooood F*ckinnnnng Gameeeee
Quote from: linkjay1 on February 28, 2016, 12:58:39 AM
Just so you know, these polls mean nothing. The voting happens elsewhere at a different date.
This ^^
get rekt m8

Quote from: Kylo Ren on February 28, 2016, 12:19:35 AM
Fixed Post so it has poll
This isn't a moderator application.