Tatsumi(Blue) Manager

Started by Tatsumi, May 24, 2015, 08:09:26 PM

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May 24, 2015, 08:09:26 PM Last Edit: May 24, 2015, 10:17:23 PM by Tatsumi-San
*If this topic is in the wrong place contact me and I will change it*

Manager is a tough job that only a few people can handle, I believe I am one of those people. One reason I believe I should be manager is because I know many things regarding the server, I am also very active on the forums and on the server. The last reason I believe I should be manager is because I am very good at keeping staff/players in order and I am very dependable and trustworthy. For all of these reasons combined I believe I should be manager.
I know many things about the server and it's staff and players. I know many players from the long ago and I know new players who just started. I know how they work and what they do giving me a better grasp on how to deal with them and their situations. I can analyze players and deal with the situation(s) appropriately. This is only one reason as to why I believe I should be manager.
I am very active on the server and forums especially. Because of this I am able to see and help/comment on others ideas and suggestions and I oversee other staff and control them and make sure that they know what they are doing and that they themselves follow the rules. Because I really can only oversee moderators, who rarely make disciplinary mistakes, and because of this I am not allowed to oversee all admins and help them in their problems to better the server and its efficiency. This is the second reason I believe I should be manager.
Trust and loyalty is what holds and makes a server possible. The owners trusts the staff who administer/moderate the server and the staff trust the owner and their fellow staff enough that they can work together in harmony and create a perfect server. However some are untrustworthy and break this bond bringing down the server. I am very trustworthy, if you told me your most guarded secret I would never tell anyone of it. Loyalty is what holds the server together as well, they staff are loyal to their higher ups listening and doing what they are told. Because of this loyalty brings in discipline and it makes sure the staff don't get very "rowdy." I am very loyal and I will help in any way I can to improve the server and make it grow.
Because of these many reasons I believe I should be manager. I am loyal, trustworthy, honest, disciplined and intelligent all of these things combined makes a great manager.